Exit Wounds | The Script

Exit Wounds - The Script | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

My hands are cold, my body's numb
Tanganku dingin, tubuhku mati rasa

I'm still in shock, what have you done?
Aku masih terkejut, apa yang tlah kau lakukan?

My head is pounding, my vision's blurred
Kepalaku pusing, penglihatanku kabur

Your mouth is moving, I don't hear a word
Mulutmu bergerak, tak kudengar sepatah kata pun

And I hurt so bad, that I search my skin
Dan saya sangat kesakitan, sampai kuraba-raba kulitku

For the entry point, where love went in
Mencari jalan masuk, di mana cinta merasuk

And ricocheted and bounced around
Dan melambung dan memantul

And left a hole when you walked out, yeah
Dan tinggalkan lubang ketika kau keluar, yeah

I'm falling through the doors of the emergency room
Aku jatuh di pintu ruang gawat darurat

Can anybody help me with these exit wounds?
Adakah yang mampu membantuku atasi luka keluar ini?

I don't know how much more love this heart can lose
Aku tak tahu berapa banyak cinta lagi yang mampu ditanggung
hilangnya oleh hati ini
And I'm dying, dying from these exit wounds
Dan saya sekarat, sekarat alasannya luka tembak ini


Where they're leaving, the scars you're keeping
Di kawasan mereka pergi, bekasnya kau simpan

Exit wounds
Luka tembak

Where they're leaving, the scars you're keeping
Di kawasan mereka pergi, bekasnya kau simpan

Marks of battle, they still feel raw
Tanda-tanda perang, masih terasa nyeri

A million pieces of me, on the floor
Jutaan keping diriku, terserak di lantai

I'm damaged goods, for all to see
Aku barang rusak, untuk dilihat

Now who would ever wanna be with me?
Kini siapa yang ingin bersamaku?

I've got all the baggage, drink the pills
Kukemasi semua barangku, minum pill

Yeah, this is living but without the will
Yeah, inilah hidup tapi tanpa kehendak

I'm backing out, I'm shutting down
Aku kan mundur, saya kan mati

You left a hole when you walked out, yeah
Kau tinggalkan lobang ketika kau keluar, yeah

Back to III

Lose your clothes
Lepaskan pakaianmu

And show your scars
Dan tunjukkan bekas lukamu

That's who you are
Itulah dirimu

Marks of battle, they still feel raw
Tanda-tanda perang, masih terasa nyeri

A million pieces of me, on the floor
Jutaan keping diriku, terserak di lantai

Back to III
