Millionaires | The Script

Millionaires - The Script | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

They're kicking us out, saying it's time to close
Mereka mengusir kita, dan berkata sudah waktunya tutup

We're leaning on each other trying to beat the cold
Kita saling bersandar dan berusaha mengusir dingin

I carry your shoes and I give you my coat
Kubawakan sepatumu dan kuberikan mantelku

We're walking these streets like they're paved with gold
Kita susuri jalanan ini seakan dilapisi emas

Make any old excuses not to go
Membuat banyak sekali alasan untuk tak pergi

Neither one of us want to take that taxi home
Tak satu pun dari kita ingin naik taksi itu untuk pulang

Singing our hearts out
Senandungkan isi hati kita

Standing on chairs
Berdiri di kursi

Spending our time
Habiskan waktu kita

Like we are millionaires
Seolah kita jutawan

Laughing our heads off
Tertawa terbahak-bahak

The two of us there
Kita berdua di daerah itu

Spending our time
Habiskan waktu kita

Like we were millionaires
Seakan kita jutawan


Lost my heart and I hope to die
Hilang nyali dan kuberharap mati

Seeing that sunlight hit your eyes
Melihat sinar mentari menerpa wajahmu

Been up all night but you still look amazing to me
Terjaga semalaman tapi kau masih terlihat menakjubkan

Had the type of night you only dream about
Lewatkan malam yang hanya pernah kau bayangkan

If God came down he could take me now
Andai Allah turun, beliau mampu mengajakku sekarang

Cos in my mind, we will always be
Karena di benakku, kita kan selalu

Back to II

(Look at us)
(Lihatlah kita)

Look at us
Lihatlah kita

At six in the mornin'
Jam enam pagi

If time was money, yeah
Andai waktu ialah uang, yeah

We'd be worth a fortune
Kita pasti kaya raya

I swear you may think you're rich
Sumpah, kau boleh berpikir kau kaya

You could have a million euro
Kau mampu punya sejuta euro

But you can't buy this time
Tapi kau tak mampu membeli waktu

And the band was on playing our song
Dan band itupun tampil membawakan lagu kita

We messed up the lyrics
Kita tak hapal liriknya

As we sang along
Saat kita ikut bernyanyi

But we didn't care
Tapi kita tak peduli

Cause it felt like we were the only ones there
Karena rasanya hanya kita berdua di sini

Our feet were sore, our throats were raw
Kaki kita sakit, tenggorokan kita serak

They're turning out the lights but we're shouting more
Mereka memadamkan lampu tapi kita berteriak minta dilanjutkan

We're shouting more
Kita berteriak minta dilanjutkan

Back to II, IV

We're walking these streets like they're paved with gold
Kita susuri jalanan ini seakan dilapisi emas

Make any old excuses not to go
Membuat banyak sekali alasan untuk tak pergi

Neither one of us want to take that taxi home
Tak satu pun dari kita ingin naik taksi itu untuk pulang
