If You See Kay | The Script

If You See Kay - The Script | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

If you see my friend
Jika kau bertemu temanku

Doesn't matter where or when
Tak peduli dimana atau kapan

Tell me if you see Kay
Katakan padaku bila kau bertemu Kay

She said I Won the battle but I lost the war
Dia bilang kumenangkan pertempuran tapi saya kalah perang

And now my head is sore
Dan kini sakit kepalaku

And If I try to sail back in
Dan bila kucoba tuk berlayar kembali

She's gonna push me from the shore
Dia kan mendorongku dari pantai

Now I won't ever get the time of day
Kini saya takkan pernah dapatkan perhatiannya

No way, no way, no
Tak mungkin

Not for what I said but for what I didn't say
Bukan alasannya ialah yang kukatakan tapi karena  yang tak kukatakan

What I didn't say, so
Yang kukatakan

If you see Kay
Jika kau bertemu Kay

Will you tell her that I love her
Maukah kau memberitahunya bahwa saya mencintainya

And if you see Kay
Dan bila kau bertemu Kay

Let her know I want her back
Beritahu beliau kuingin beliau kembali

If she listens, say I'm missing
Jika beliau mau mendengarkan, katakan saya rindu

Everything about her
Segala tentangnya

Make sure you say I'm sweet FA without her
Pastikan kau bilang saya tak berkhasiat tanpanya

If you see Kay
Jika kau bertemu Kay

Back to I

She got me saying sorry through the door
Dia membuatku minta maaf untuk sikap yang tak mutu

She don't care anymore
Dia tak peduli lagi

She says it's too late now
Dia bilang terlambat sudah

Should have thought of this before
Harusnya saya tlah memikirkan ini

But I ain't gonna take this as defeat
Tapi takkan kuanggap ini sebagai kekalahan

No way, no way, no

'Cause I'm gonna shout it out to everyone I,
Karena kan kuteriakkan kepada semuanya orang

Every one I meet
Semua orang yang kujumpai

Back to III

Now I'm sitting here in disbelief
Kini saya duduk di sini sambil tak percaya

At how it truly broke my heart to have to watch her leave
Betapa hancur hatiku harus melihatnya pergi

But she was torn between what she wants and what she needs
Tapi beliau gundah antara harapan dan kebutuhannya

They say you love someone enough you gotta set them free
Mereka bilang bila kau mencintai seseorang kau harus membebaskannya

See she was born to leave this town behind
Lihat, beliau lahir untuk tinggalkan kota ini

Knew the truth but still she looked me in the eyes and lied
Tahu kenyataannya tapi masih saja beliau menatap mataku dan berdusta

Saying it's time to cut the ties
Dan berkata ini saatnya tuk putuskan ikatan

Time to say goodbye, so she left
Saatnya tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal, maka beliau pun pergi

But she never never left my, never never left my mind
Tapi beliau tak pernah tinggalkan benakku

Back to III
Back to I (2x)
