Love Is Only A Feeling | The Darkness

Love Is Only A Feeling - The Darkness | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

The first flush of youth was upon you when our eyes first met
Gejolak pertama masa muda kurasakan padamu ketika mata kita pertama bertemu

And I knew that to you and into your life I had to get
Dan saya tahu bahwa kuharus menuju padamu dan masuk ke hidupmu

I felt light-headed at the touch of this stranger's hand
Pening kurasakan ketika tersentuh tangan orang ajaib ini

An assault my defenses systematically failed to withstand
Serangan yang tak mampu tertahankan oleh pertahananku

'Cause you came at a time
Karena kau hadir di saat

When the pursuit of one true love in which to fall
Ketika pencarian satu cinta sejati

Was the be all and end all
Dan segala-galanya

Love is only a feeling
Cinta hanyalah perasaan

(Drifting away)

When I'm in your arms I start believing
Saat dalam pelukanmu, saya mulai percaya

(It's here to stay)
(Di sinilah ku kan tinggal)

But love is only a feeling
Tapi cinta hanyalah perasaan

Bagaimanapun jua

The state of elation that this unison of hearts achieved
Rasa suka cinta yang dicapai oleh keselarasan hati ini

I had seen, I had touched, I had tasted and I truly believed
Tlah kulihat, tlah kusentuh, tlah kurasakan dan saya sungguh percaya

The light of my life
Cahaya hidupku

Would tear a hole right through each cloud that scudded by
Kan melubangi awan yang menggantung

Just to beam on you and I
Hanya untuk sorotkan cahaya padamu dan padaku

Back to III

Love is only a feeling
Cinta hanyalah perasaan

(Drifting away)

And we've got to stop ourselves believing
Dan kita harus berhenti percaya

(It's here to stay)
(Di sinilah ku kan tinggal)

'Cause love is only a feeling
Karena cinta hanyalah perasaan

Bagaimanapun jua
